昨日の錯視つづきで、 エッシャーらしきシーンをレンダリングした。 This picture is rendered using the model which comes from here: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=3e6df6c24a95f583cefabc2ae69d584c
Summer is a nice season. I like summer the best. I've been in vacation. I don't want to type on my PC. So nothing has done recently...However, I found something interesting in the SketchUp's archive, which might be popular recently;http://…
The issue hasn't been resolved to use Sketchup. OpenGL hardware acceleration still doesn't work. Walking though in the sponza is stressful...
I set the focus on the queen's eye in the scene. The blurry effect was done by a simple way like taking a light field of a scene. I think that chess sets are good to see this effect. http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=afff3…
I made this image using my renderer. This time I wanted to make it in the look of an sample image in this Arnold gallery here. http://www.3dluvr.com/marcosss/morearni/index.html It's just a fun rendering. 要するに、アーノルドレンダラー風の…
http://graphics.ucsd.edu/courses/rendering/2007/thachisuka/ I found this page yeasterday. He might be the author of Parthenon renderer, and made a great job on the compitition. In the last part of the page, there are some test images witho…
天空照明ばかりではさすがに飽きてきた。室内シーンも作ってみたいので、 とりあえずエリアライトを追加してみました。 I added some lines of program to suport the area light souces. One of the result images is above. By the way, I really want to …
マイレンダラーもようやく実写合成?に対応しました。 I have added the image based lighting technique to my renderer. The light probe image used with is taken from the well-known page, http://www.debevec.org/Probes/. You may see the sky refle…
http://www.dainipponjin.com/序盤から海原はるか師匠との戦い、その後だんだん縮んでいくまでは面白かった。後半はイマイチ。 This movie has some shots using CG. The scene in Akihabara was nice. The image quality is better than my renderer's. orz
http://psgraphics.blogspot.com/2007/05/my-top-utility-papers.html Prof. Shirley mentioned in his blog that his "An Anisotropic Phong BRDF Model", JGT00 is not good for cloth. Does anyone know what he means by that? Is that an issue in expr…
This weekend, I was traveling by trains, with my notebook PC. While on the trains, I was writing and testing a new shading function for my renderer. It gives the Phong reflection model to be used on any surfaces. The idea I came up with la…
3月末からGlossy effectsの実装方法を考え始めて2ヶ月… インポータンスサンプリングの実装方法で悩んでいたが、今日少しひらめいた。 某氏に「拘り過ぎ」と言われていたのだが、なんだか出来そうな感じだ。 今週末は久しぶりにコーディングしてみようと思…
http://research.microsoft.com/vision/cambridge/i3l/blender.htm 前回の日記に関連して、SIGGRAPH2003のPoisson Image Editingを試作した。 継ぎ目が目立たないように2枚の絵を合成してます。 やってることは、引いて、ぼかして、足しただけ。 真ん中がそ…
http://agarwala.org/efficient_gdc/ 結果を見ると、去年のSzeliskiのわかりにくい論文は何だったの?って感じ。 quadtreeのモザイクを見てなんとなく分かった気になれたので、とりあえず放置。 OK for now. Just leave it.
The resizing algorithm is like as follows:1. Evaluate the importance at each pixel of the target image. 2. Find a seam spanning across the image. The total score of the pixels on the seam have to be minimum. 3. Remove the pixels on the sea…
Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing http://www.faculty.idc.ac.il/arik/imret.pdfSIGGRAPH2007の論文より。簡単なアルゴリズムだったので作ってみた。The proposed technique in the paper can be used to resize the given image to a differe…
http://www.merl.com/people/raskar/Mask/This paper seems like the same idea of the one shown last year. They might use spatial mask patterns this year instead of using temporal mask patterns. I wonder it could actually result in images with…
キターーー (ってほどでもないが…)、 また今年も楽しめそうだhttp://www.cs.brown.edu/~tor/sig2007.htmlThe papers for 2007 are appearing. I'll try to read some papers when they are available.
新しいPCに買い換えた。OSがWindows Vistaに変わった。 しかし、SketchUpが正しく動作しなくなってしまった・・・ 困った。Last week end, I bought a new PC. But unfortunately SketchUp doesn't work properly in Windows Vista. I should have checked t…
Im trying to support glossy effects like as metalic materials. I have no good ideas to code effectively, however. How could I do this?
I just added an image using refraction. The inside of the pot is filled with glass, not water, because I didn't want to take time to do extra things to modify the model.
The refraction index of each glass ball must be 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.1 from left to right respectively. 屈折を実装してみたけど、これで合ってるのかどうか?意外と難しいですね。境界部分が怪しいかもしれない。
- Sci-Fi 3D http://scifi3d.theforce.net/
I'm still trying to render large models.Today I tried a well-known type of model in the movie of Star Wars. The setting is simple, just setting the sun above the space ship. This model has high details so that it results in a good looking.…
やったー、やっと絵が出来た〜 でも、このウサちゃんで1週間も苦労するとはねぇ、思っても見なかった。 しかし、この後どうしようか・・・ I was working with this bunny all the day, and finally I could get an image of the bunny ... phew. But it was…
本質的でない問題でずっと悩んでいる。 万単位のポリゴンを短時間で追加するRubyスクリプトがどうやっても書けない。工夫しても超々低速。何故?無料版SketchUpの限界なのか。悩む。。。 例のウサちゃんは諦めようかな・・・ もしもし♪♪♪〜 どうしてそんなに…
今日はひな祭りだが、耳の日でもある。耳といえば例のウサちゃん。今日こそはThe Stanford Bunnyをレンダリングしようと 昼間からコンバータを作っていたが、間に合わなかった・・・(泣) http://www-static.cc.gatech.edu/~turk/bunny/stanford-bunny-photo.…
Just as the title suggests. While rendering this image, I was drinking beer, which tasted good. Then writing this diary now. Next, is to plan for this weekend, then go to bed.
I like Google SketchUp. Because it's free to download (^^; and easy to use. Don't be afraid to try it even if you have never tried computer graphics.Google SketchUp is not originally intended to be used with external renderers though, seve…
今日も、昨日と同じ作者の別のモデルを使って 絵を作ってみました。 ちなみに、ただ遊んでいるだけじゃないですよ(笑)。 いろいろなモデルで試すうちに、 不具合がいろいろ見つかってTo-doリストが増えていきます。 これも作業のひとつなんですよ。 The imag…