
A faster solver for Poisson equation

http://agarwala.org/efficient_gdc/ 結果を見ると、去年のSzeliskiのわかりにくい論文は何だったの?って感じ。 quadtreeのモザイクを見てなんとなく分かった気になれたので、とりあえず放置。 OK for now. Just leave it.

Resizing (cont.)

The resizing algorithm is like as follows:1. Evaluate the importance at each pixel of the target image. 2. Find a seam spanning across the image. The total score of the pixels on the seam have to be minimum. 3. Remove the pixels on the sea…

Content-Aware Resizing

Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing http://www.faculty.idc.ac.il/arik/imret.pdfSIGGRAPH2007の論文より。簡単なアルゴリズムだったので作ってみた。The proposed technique in the paper can be used to resize the given image to a differe…

Coded apature cameras

http://www.merl.com/people/raskar/Mask/This paper seems like the same idea of the one shown last year. They might use spatial mask patterns this year instead of using temporal mask patterns. I wonder it could actually result in images with…

Siggraph2007 papers unofficial list

キターーー (ってほどでもないが…)、 また今年も楽しめそうだhttp://www.cs.brown.edu/~tor/sig2007.htmlThe papers for 2007 are appearing. I'll try to read some papers when they are available.