Google SketchUp as a scene editor using with external renderers


I like Google SketchUp. Because it's free to download (^^; and easy to use.
Don't be afraid to try it even if you have never tried computer graphics.

Google SketchUp is not originally intended to be used with external renderers though, several plug-in renderers have been released to be used with it.
My under-constructing renderer is also in this category. But such renderers seem to have almost the same troubles to do with the Sketchup.

I think the worst problem is the system doesn't necessarily take care of the side of the polygons of objects. This problem results in thousands of models created and uploaded on the Google server may have polygons of wrong side. Renderers may take backside polygons as transparent so the rendered images may have many missing polygons.

But these days, Google Sketchup is getting more popularity. There are a lot of free models increasing on the server. So I'll keep using Google Sketchup and creating my renderer "ktkray".


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