
Depth of field effect test

I set the focus on the queen's eye in the scene. The blurry effect was done by a simple way like taking a light field of a scene. I think that chess sets are good to see this effect. http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=afff3…

Pictorial look of Arnold renderer !?

I made this image using my renderer. This time I wanted to make it in the look of an sample image in this Arnold gallery here. http://www.3dluvr.com/marcosss/morearni/index.html It's just a fun rendering. 要するに、アーノルドレンダラー風の…

The rendering compitition 2007

http://graphics.ucsd.edu/courses/rendering/2007/thachisuka/ I found this page yeasterday. He might be the author of Parthenon renderer, and made a great job on the compitition. In the last part of the page, there are some test images witho…

Area light test

天空照明ばかりではさすがに飽きてきた。室内シーンも作ってみたいので、 とりあえずエリアライトを追加してみました。 I added some lines of program to suport the area light souces. One of the result images is above. By the way, I really want to …

Image based lighting test

マイレンダラーもようやく実写合成?に対応しました。 I have added the image based lighting technique to my renderer. The light probe image used with is taken from the well-known page, http://www.debevec.org/Probes/. You may see the sky refle…


http://www.dainipponjin.com/序盤から海原はるか師匠との戦い、その後だんだん縮んでいくまでは面白かった。後半はイマイチ。 This movie has some shots using CG. The scene in Akihabara was nice. The image quality is better than my renderer's. orz

Why not for cloth?

http://psgraphics.blogspot.com/2007/05/my-top-utility-papers.html Prof. Shirley mentioned in his blog that his "An Anisotropic Phong BRDF Model", JGT00 is not good for cloth. Does anyone know what he means by that? Is that an issue in expr…